Diploma In Office & HR Administration
Unit 1
Office Management
Introduction, Meaning, Definition, Nature, Office Automation, Subsystems of an automated office, Functions of Office, Basic Function, Administrative Function, Importance of office management, Challenges before office, Answer to check your progress Questions.
Unit 2
Record & Information Management
Meaning of Records Management, Significance of Records Management, Barometer of Progress, Future Reference, Reduction of Errors, Legal Evidence, Efficiency, Functions of filing, administrative function, historical function, information function, advantages of a good filing system, documentary evidence, valuable assistance.
Unit 3
Reception Management
Office Management- Introduction, Meaning, Definition, Nature, Office Automation, Subsystems of an automated office, Functions of Office, Basic Function, Administrative Function, Importance of office management, Challenges before office,
Unit 4
Operation Dispatch
Procurement & Inventory Management- Types of inventory, Rae materials, work- in- progress, finished goods, inventory management objectives, inventory systems, methods of inventory valuation, inventory control techniques, formulae, financial accounting and management, introduction to accounting, meaning of accounting.
Unit 5
Concepts: definition Scope of human resource management- Role of personnel function.- Objectives- Advisory function- Relation to other departments- Typical organization set up of a personnel department.
Unit 6
Manpower planning- Job Analysis- Job description Placement Source of labor supplyMethods of selection-Tests in selection-Induction. Training and Development- Objectives- Types- Methods.
Unit 7
Management Development-Meaning-Scope- Methods. Motivation Performance appraisal Counseling Work environment-Fatigue-Safety and accident prevention- Accident records.
Unit 8
Morale Employee attitudes- Behavior Significance of employees productivity- Job satisfaction-Job change-Job rotation- Job enlargement- job enrichment. Collective bargaining- Employee participation in management Wage and salary administration Principles and techniques of wage fixation Job evaluationMerit rating methods of wage payment- Incentive schemes. Unit 9 Trade unions-Organization structure- Policies- Joint consultation Grievances Organizational disputes Organizational exit- Planning for retirement Industrial safety Social SecurityCase studies
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